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          • How We Can Help
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          • Programs and Services
            SNAP Path to Work offers a variety of education and training programs and supports designed to help you prepare for, find, and succeed in your next job.
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Jewish Vocational Service, Inc.
  • 75 Federal Street, 3rd Fl., Boston, MA 02110
  • 617-399-3131
  • Job Search Training
Career Path Now
Program activities:

Participants can increase their job readiness through individualized career coaching, career center workshops, online skill building, job search strategies and access to employers, interview clothes, and other resources. Some clients will enroll with outside vendors for job training or education opportunities and the CPN team assists with planning, referral enrollment and in some cases funding through WIOA. Participants can create an individualized schedule according to their educational and career goals by selecting the services that correspond to their needs and ensure they are engaged in job search or education activities to meet their work requirement, if necessary.

UIF – Program Applications

Program is offered in: English
Participant demographics:

SNAP only recipients over the age of 18 residing in Boston and surrounding communities

Anticipated number of SNAP participants per year: 80
Information About Program Hours: Hours vary between 1-20 hours
Program duration: 26 weeks
Rolling Admission: Yes
Sample schedule:
HoursActivity TypeMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
Other Schedule Information: CPN recruits and enrolls clients throughout the year. Clients schedule regular meetings with their career navigator according to their individual schedule.
Is the program offered remotely? Hybrid

Location information:

Additional information about location:

Services are offered in person at our downtown Boston office location with access to the the resources of the MassHire Downton Boston Career Center. We also provide services remotely according to a clients individual preference.

For clients seeking in person services, our downtown Boston offices are accessible within a few block walk of the commuter rail, the Red, Green, Orange, Blue and Silver lines of the T. Multiple bus lines pick up and drop off adjacent to our building.

Our building is handicap accessible through the Franklin Street Entrance.

Anticipated outcomes: Participants obtain employment and/or promotion; they may also secure enrollment in job training or education.
Other outcomes: Employment/Promotion, Basic skills gain

Participant Supports:

Participant Support CategoryAs neededAll participants
DTA SNAP Child Care Referral
DTA SNAP Transportation Support
Test/License Fees
Computer and internet
Are there any out of pocket expenses for the participant? No
Do participants receive any pay? Not applicable

Contact Information

Program Liaison: Philip Schuchert
Telephone: 617-399-3391
Program code: JVS-JST-CPN
ABAWD Qualifying? No