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Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc.
  • 305 Essex Street, Lawrence, MA 01840
  • 978-620-4729
  • Education | English as a Second or Other Language
English As a Second Language – Workforce Development, Adult Learning and Financial Empowerment Division
Program activities:

The ESOL curriculum developed by the Adult Learning Program is aligned with the Massachusetts English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education (MA ELPS). These standards are a set of skills, knowledge, and strategies needed to function effectively in English in 21st century communities, workplaces, and classrooms. They are designed to prepare adult learners for the complex language tasks required to successfully meet life, academic, and career goals. In addition, they provide ESOL adult educators and learners a common language for this journey. They also guide instructors in providing rigorous, scaffolded instruction that builds knowledge and transferable skills. emphasizes the development of English language learner’s communicative competence through speaking, writing, analytical reading, and critical thinking skills. In addition, the main text book used by our ESOL Curriculum is Ventures 3rd Edition is a four-skills, standards-based, integrated-skills series that empowers students to achieve their academic and career goals and also the books implemented in this course. Ventures is aligned to National Reporting System (NRS) while covering Key English Language Proficiency, College and Career Readiness Standards (CCCRS), and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)This is the description of the program activities by lesson:

Lesson A – Listening and speaking: Focuses students on the unit topic
Lesson B – Vocabulary & Grammar: Focuses on Grammar
Lesson C – Reading: Develops reading skills and expands vocabulary
Lesson D – Writing: Focuses on support students to meet the challenges of work and the classroom through academic and purposeful writing practice
Lesson E – Another View: Brings opportunities for expansion including problem solving and life-skills
Google Classroom: Focuses on cultural competencies, local resources and building digital literacy skills.

*Each cycle students will attend two additional courses: 1. Building a Resume, 2. Tips for Interview Presentation and One-on-One Sessions in College & Career Advising*
Another information:
Class Schedule:
Morning Schedule: ESOL Level I, II, III, IV, V, VI & VII: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30am-11am
Afternoon Schedule: ESOL Level I, II, III, IV, V, VI & VII: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 6pm-8:30pm

Clothing and uniforms support is provided as needed by referral to a partner organization.

Program is offered in: English
Participant demographics:

Low income, Latino-Hispanic Origins, general population 18+ Age, Employed & Unemployed.

Anticipated number of SNAP participants per year: 25
Total hours: 7
Program duration: 38 weeks
Rolling Admission: Yes
Number of cycles: 2
Sample schedule:
HoursActivity TypeMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
8:30am-11:00am or 6:00pm-8:30pmEnglish Education aligned to WIOA/NRS/ELPS/CCR
8:30am-11:00am or 6:00pm-8:30pmStudents Homework and Project Development
8:30am-11:00am or 6:00pm-8:30pmBasics for Resume Writing
8:30am-11:00am or 6:00pm-8:30pmJob Search Assistance
Saturday classesEnglish Classes
Other Schedule Information: Morning Course 8:30am-11am Evening course 6pm-8:30pm, Saturday courses available. Students receive 145 hours of English Education, 58 hours of homework & project assigned by the instructor and following the Ventures Curriculum, 8 hours for building resume and 4 hours for job search. Closed for the Summer.
Is the program offered remotely? Possible, but not typical
Is public transportation available? Yes

Location information:

305 Essex St, Lawrence, MA 01840. The MVRTA Buckley Transportation Center is located at 295 Common St, Lawrence, MA 01840, just behind GLCAC building.
98 East Haverhill St, MA 01841Accessible via public transportation
Other requirements: Low Income, below poverty guidelines 200%, immigration status is not a requirement.
Program is CORI friendly? Yes
Anticipated outcomes: Certificate of Completion - After completing the Advanced ESOL Level | Employment/Promotion based on participant professional goals | Referred to partner org for any Clothing/uniforms needs | Completion - Levels 1-7
Other outcomes: Employment/Promotion, Basic skills gain, Completion - Levels 1-7

Participant Supports:

Participant Support CategoryAll participantsAs needed
DTA SNAP Child Care Referral
DTA SNAP Transportation Support
Digital Equipment
Are there any out of pocket expenses for the participant? No
Do participants receive any pay? Not applicable

Contact Information

Program Liaison: Email or Call
Telephone: 978-620-4729
Program code: GLC-EDUC-ESL
ABAWD Qualifying? No