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Operation ABLE of Greater Boston, Inc.
  • 98 North Washington Street, Suite 200, Boston, MA 02114
  • 617-542-4180
  • Vocational Skills Training
Medical Office Skills
Program activities:

The program provides eight weeks (240 hours) of medical office skills instruction with hands-on practice in the fundamentals of maneuvering through an Electronic Health Record. The software taught includes the integration of practice management and electronic health records. Two weeks of computer instruction which includes a review of MS Office is followed by a six-week component in Medical Office Skills training. The classroom component is followed by a six-week internship placement with a partner Healthcare provider.

Sector-based, medical office components include: Medical Terminology; HIPPAA; and all the important aspects of medical office administration: Medical Insurance; Patient Registration; Scheduling and Referral; Procedure Posting; Insurance Billing; Posting Payments; Patient Billing; Medicaid/Medicare/ACA; and Follow-up and Dispute Resolution. Components in Customer Service in a Healthcare Environment and Communication Skills will also be included as these skills have been determined to be especially important to achieving success in these positions.

Training participants are taught using the materials, software and equipment used on the job. In the medical office classes, instructors teach using “real world” scenarios. They use current medical documents such as Medicare Claim forms, hospital superbills, EOMB remittance forms and blank HCFA claim forms. In the computer class, students prepare “real” letters and documents which would be used in a doctor’s office or health center.

For more information or to register for an upcoming virtual info session visit:

Program is offered in: English
Participant demographics:

Unemployed, economically disadvantaged individuals who need to upgrade and improve their job search skills. The program is open to applicants of all ages.

Anticipated number of SNAP participants per year: 12
Total hours: 12
Program duration: 8 weeks
Rolling Admission: No
Program start dates: 9/30/24 – 1/3/25; 12/30/24 – 4/30/25; 4/7/25 – 7/11/25; 6/23/25 – 9/26/25
Sample schedule:
HoursActivity TypeMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
9:00am - 1:00pmClassroom Instruction: MS Office; Medical Office
9:00am - 1:00pmCustomer Service; Keyboarding; etc.
9:00am - 1:00pmIndividual Job Search and Group Workshops
9:00am - 1:00pmEmployer Workshops
Other Schedule Information: Weekly phone calls with placed participants. Bi-weekly communication with employee’s supervisor. Additional supports (e.g. counseling, case management etc.) provided if needed. Internships scheduled last six weeks of each cycle
Is the program offered remotely? Yes
Is public transportation available? No

Location information:

98 North Washington Street suite 200, Boston, MA 02114, USA
Additional information about location:

INSTRUCTOR-LED virtual classroom environment through video conferencing

Other requirements: 6th Grade Reading/Math; Motivated to work; Eligible for employment
Program is CORI friendly? Yes
Anticipated outcomes: Certificate of Completion
Other outcomes: Employment/Promotion, Industry skills gain

Participant Supports:

Participant Support CategoryAs neededAll participants
DTA SNAP Transportation Support
DTA SNAP Child Care Support
Are there any out of pocket expenses for the participant? No
Do participants receive any pay? Not applicable

Contact Information

Program Liaison: Marilyn Piket
Telephone: 6175424180
Program code: OPA-VT-MOS
ABAWD Qualifying? No