Throughout their time in the Business Job and You Job that make up our Core Social Enterprise Program, youth work with a Career Services Manager to develop career goals and chart an actionable path toward a postsecondary credential and a living wage job. The Career Services team develops deep partnerships with employment and education providers and facilitates site visits, application sessions, warm hand-offs, and in some cases co-case management of services. All youth establish a “3-2-1” plan that maps out goals for their final three months in MTW’s core job-training programming and ensures a smooth transition to other jobs and education.
After youth graduate from their Business and You Jobs, they continue to be served for two-plus additional years by the Career Services team as they apply what they’ve learned in other jobs and education. Youth receive individualized case management support as needed in areas including but not limited to career exploration, college exploration and applications, employment and education persistence coaching, FAFSA completion, job searching, resume and cover letter writing, and interviewing skills.
Youth ages 16-24, many of whom have current or prior experience with the Department of Children and Families, court-systems, homelessness, parenting, or other compounding barriers.
Hours | Activity Type | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Varies | 1-1 case management and job search support | ✓ |
Location information:
242 E. Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02118 | The site is accessible by the MBTA Red and Orange lines, as well as numerous bus routes. |
56 Felton Street, Waltham, MA 02453 | The site is accessible by the Commuter Rail - Fitchburg line and numerous bus routes. |
Once youth have graduated from the Core Social Enterprise Program, check-in meetings with Career Services Managers can sometimes happen by phone or as a virtual meeting. Depending on the young person’s schedule, some youth prefer that option and some prefer to come onsite to meet face to face.
Participant Supports:
Participant Support Category | All participants | As needed |
DTA SNAP Child Care Referral | ✓ | |
DTA SNAP Transportation Support | ✓ | |
Test/License Fees | ✓ | |
Books/Supplies | ✓ | |
Clothing/Uniforms | ✓ |
Contact Information