How We Can Help See how SNAP Path to Work can help you achieve your career goals and support your family’s success.
Programs and Services SNAP Path to Work offers a variety of education and training programs and supports designed to help you prepare for, find, and succeed in your next job.
Eligibility Requirements Interested? Find out who can enroll in SNAP Path to Work and how to get started.
Find a Provider Find free SNAP Path to Work education and training opportunities near you. DTA partners with community colleges, MassHire Career Centers, and community-based organizations across the state.
A comprehensive job readiness course. Content is geared toward the English communication skills of the client. Class levels range from SPL 0 – SPL 6 (Student Performance Levels 0-6 as define by the National Reporting System). All four skills are addressed in the program (Reading, Writing Listening and Speaking).
Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the program –aide in the quality of instruction delivery, improvement of communication skills, gains in digital literacy and positive employment outcomes.
Job readiness components include: basic resume and cover letter writing; filling out applications (paper and online); understanding job postings paper and digital); asking about job openings and following up on applications; interview practice; workers’ rights and American work culture.
Clients participate in quarterly interview practice and receive feedback on their performance, attend job fairs and open houses and meet regularly with an employment specialist who assists them in their job search.
Non-Native Speakers of English with Limited English Proficiency |18 and above
Program is Offered In
Information About Program Hours
"Full time" program is 15 hours per week.
"Part time" program is 5 hours per week.
Program Duration
15 weeks
Rolling Admission
Program Start Dates
Sample Schedule
Activity Type
English for Employment
Job search and Job Readiness Workshops
Program Requirements
Non-native speakers of English, limited proficiency, 18+
Anticipated outcomes
Employment/Promotion | Basic skills gain | Improve English language skills to be able to get jobs and upgrades
Participant Supports
Participant Support Category
All partipants
As needed
Test/License Fees
Toiletries and personal needs
DTA SNAP Child Care Referral
Are there any out of pocket expenses for the participant?