How We Can Help See how SNAP Path to Work can help you achieve your career goals and support your family’s success.
Programs and Services SNAP Path to Work offers a variety of education and training programs and supports designed to help you prepare for, find, and succeed in your next job.
Eligibility Requirements Interested? Find out who can enroll in SNAP Path to Work and how to get started.
Find a Provider Find free SNAP Path to Work education and training opportunities near you. DTA partners with community colleges, MassHire Career Centers, and community-based organizations across the state.
Are you living in a family Emergency Assistance shelter or otherwise experiencing housing insecurity; Secure Jobs helps to stabilize families through employment and career development. Secure Jobs provides individualized, one-on-one coaching as well as group activities that help clients set and achieve short and long term goals for their employment and their career.
Your Secure Jobs Coach can:
Help you build a resume
Apply to jobs
Refer you to employers that are hiring
Prepare you for Job Fairs and Hiring Events
Practice interview skills
Identify and help you apply for job training in a variety of fields and to secure funding through the WIOA process, if necessary
Connect you to a variety of workshops to learn job search skills and technology
Support you through next steps coaching to help you retain a job and advance to your next opportunity
And much more! Follow the link below to get more information and to start the enrollment process.
Homeless or housing insecure families residing in Emergency Assistance shelters or receiving either Homebase or RAFT funds
Program is Offered In
English, Spanish, Other
Program Hours per Week
Program Duration
52 weeks
Rolling Admission
Sample Schedule
Activity Type
Job Search
Other Schedule Information
Secure Jobs is a goal based program that meets clients where they are at. It provides individualized coaching appointments conducted according clients' individual schedules. Clients are also offered a variety of skill building workshops and small group support support. Enrollment and services are offered continually throughout the year.
Program Requirements
Clients must be ready, willing and able to begin working at least part-time (20 hours/week) at the time of enrollment.
Program is CORI-friendly?
Anticipated outcomes
Participants obtain employment as well as planning for next steps following 6 months of retention. Employment/Promotion
Participant Supports
Participant Support Category
All participants
As needed
DTA SNAP Child Care Referral
DTA SNAP Transportation Support
Test/License Fees
Computer and Internet
Are there any out of pocket expenses for the participant?
Do participants receive any pay?
Not applicable
Other, please explain
Not applicable
JVS, 75 Federal Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02110