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        • Cropped portrait of an attractive female construction worker standing on a building site with her colleagues in the background
          • How We Can Help
            See how SNAP Path to Work can help you achieve your career goals and support your family’s success.
          • Programs and Services
            SNAP Path to Work offers a variety of education and training programs and supports designed to help you prepare for, find, and succeed in your next job.
          • Eligibility Requirements
            Interested? Find out who can enroll in SNAP Path to Work and how to get started.
          • Find a Provider
            Find free SNAP Path to Work education and training opportunities near you. DTA partners with community colleges, MassHire Career Centers, and community-based organizations across the state.
        • Do you think this will help the company?
          • Recruitment Events
            Find and attend a recruitment webinar or other event in your area.
          • How it Works
            Learn about the qualifications to become a provider and associated benefits.
  • Provider Login

Client Information

Contact Form

For employment and training opportunities, submit this form to have a DTA SNAP Path to Work Specialist contact you.

For questions about your SNAP case or to talk to DTA about something other than the SNAP Path to Work program, call (877) 382-2363 or click here to learn about other ways to connect with DTA.

Client Contact Form
Please check that your phone number is correct so we can contact you. If you don't hear back from us within a couple of days, please call us at (877) 382-2363.

Why are you interested in SNAP Path to Work?

To help a SNAP Path to Work Specialist find a program that best suits your needs, please tell us more about why you are interested in SNAP Path to Work.

Check off all boxes that apply.
I am interested in the following job fields:
Check off all boxes that apply.

Disclaimer *

By submitting this contact form, I consent to the DTA SNAP Path to Work Specialist using the contact information provided to contact me regarding any inquiries or issues identified in this form. I also confirm that I have not submitted personal and/or confidential information that I do not wish DTA or a SNAP Path to Work Provider to access. The information collected in this form is protected in accordance with our website’s privacy policy.